Honoured water sources of the Tyumen region: typological and functional analysis

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

Honoured water sources of the Tyumen region: typological and functional analysis

About the author:

Elena E. Ermakova,
Cand. Phil. Sci., Accosiate Professor, Department of Publishing and Editing, Institute for the Humanities, Tyumen State University


The honoured water sources of the Tyumen region, located in the territory of Vikulovo, Golyshmanovo, Iset, Ishim, Tyumen and Yurginsky areas, are considered. A classification of water sources is presented. First, these are the sources, the foundation of which happened recently, and «from above» (a well in the village Kamenka of the Tyumen region). Secondly, these are the sources formed «from below», by the will of a person or group of people (the spring in Maryino gorge of the Isetsky area). Thirdly, and this is the most numerous group of water bodies, the water resources appeared and functioned because of the interaction of the Church and the people (the Krivankovsky well in the Yurginsky area). It is revealed that the way of foundation of a source influences the features of its worship, and those functions, which it performed in the past, or carries out in the present. The functions of sources are identified and analysed in diachronic and synchronic ways: mediating, treating, sacrificial, protecting, consolidating, communicative, informing, aesthetic, emotive, environmental-protecting. The conclusion is that the most fully all the functions are manifested in the honouring of the third group of sources. In general, all «sacred» sources demonstrate the different sides of national religiousness in the context of the history of the country and the region.


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