The great pandemic of the mid xiv century as the final of the medieval history

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

The great pandemic of the mid xiv century as the final of the medieval history

About the author:

Alexandr G. Emanov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Department of History and Mundial Politic, University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0002-2352-4363


The article is devoted to the demographic catastrophe of the middle of XIV century. Various estimates of a place and a role of «Black Death» of 1348 year are considered in the world and Western Europe’s destinies, different “replies” of the communities of the West and the East to the test sent by the nature. The potential of the concept of the end of medieval history in the middle of XIV century is estimated in the article. The author analyzes “Ystoria de MorbosiveMortalitate” of the Italian scriptor Gabriele деMussis composed in 1348 and report on the beginning of the plague distribution during a siege by the Tatars Genoa colony of Caffa in the Crimea. Thе point of view of some researchers confirming the first case in the world history of the application of bacteriological weapons is criticized. The doubt that the demographic disaster of 1348 has led to a change of intrinsic bases of medieval society is expressed in the article. The strengthening of irrational tendencies in human behavior, the spread of the movement flagellants, millenaristics’ doctrines, eschatological moods and fears are marked.


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