Vesntik TSU. History. 2013About the author:
The internal state of communities, based on the analysis of original works of oldbelievers in the late XIX, written by the tyumen community “filippovtsy” V. Makarov and I. Kundyukov is characterized in this article. Controversies between the various factions are revealed. There are some disputable questions, which caused disagreement and led to the ideology separation, their divisions and subdivisions. This phenomenon may indicate the existence of a deep systemic change in the old believery, reflecting the state of Russian society at the the XIX-XX centuries. The authors make a hypothesis that the situation in Moscow Bratskiy Dvor, the center of “filippovskoe soglasie” influenced the state of the peripheral communities.Keywords:
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10. Pershina, M.V. Fraternal yard and regional communities of Filippov agreement in the second half of XIX century. Gumanitarnye nauki v Sibiri — Humanities in Siberia. No. 3. 2006. P. 28-33