Pressure field for a given selection in a layered heterogeneous anisotropic oil reservoir

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2019, Vol. 5. №1

Pressure field for a given selection in a layered heterogeneous anisotropic oil reservoir

For citation: Filippov A. I., Akhmetova O. V., Kovalsky A. A., Gubaidullin M. R. 2019. “Pressure field for a given selection in a layered heterogeneous anisotropic oil reservoir”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 187-200. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2019-5-1-187-200

About the authors:

Aleksandr I. Filippov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University; eLibrary AuthorID,

Oksana V. Akhmetova, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of General and Theoretical Physics, Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University; eLibrary AuthorID,

Aleksei A. Kovalsky, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Director, Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University; eLibrary AuthorID,

Marat R. Gubaydullin, Junior Researcher, Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University; eLibrary AuthorID, Web of Science ResearcherID,


This article studies pressure filtration fields in oil reservoirs in the cases when the perforation interval does not coincide with the boundaries of the formation. That requires presenting the porous medium in the form of three layers for which the conjugation problem is formulated. In accordance with real conditions, the authors assume that the dependence of permeability on the vertical coordinate in the oil extraction interval is arbitrary. This led to solving the conjugation problem for the piezoconductivity equation with variable coefficients.

The results show that for such a case, an integral nonlocal condition should replace the local boundary one (which is usually used for homogeneous reservoirs for the case of a given selection). This emphasizes the novelty of the task.

Using the developed modification of the asymptotic method, a solution was found for the pressure field problem in a layered inhomogeneous anisotropic porous formation that is operated in the preset selection mode in the zero and first asymptotic approximations.


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