The Experimental Identification of the Mass Content of Adsorbed Molecules in the Installation for Calibration/Verification of Gas Analyzers

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2017, Vol. 3. №2

The Experimental Identification of the Mass Content of Adsorbed Molecules in the Installation for Calibration/Verification of Gas Analyzers

For citation: Stepanov A. S., Vakulin A. A. 2017. “The Experimental Identification of the Mass Content of Adsorbed Molecules in the Installation for Calibration/Verification of Gas Analyzers”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 21-32. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2017-3-2-21-32

About the authors:

Aleksandr S. Stepanov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Mechanics of Multiphase Systems, Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Tyumen;

Aleksandr A. Vakulin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Honorary Worker of Science and High Technologies of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Applied and Technical Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Tyumen;


The tendency of development of the infrastructure connected with oil and gas processing brings to the fore the problem connected with a question of metrological maintenance of the means measurements. Actually, the calibrating and verification of measuring instruments for gas analysis is a prerequisite for using of the means measurements used at the sphere of the state regulation and the unity of measurements and connected with the human security. The existing calibration method for gas analyzers-signalers of the GKPS RE configured before explosive concentrations of hydrocarbon vapors (gasoline, diesel) doesn't take into account the adsorption of gaseous substances on the walls of the calibration facility to create calibration facility to create calibration gas mixtures, and leads to systematic errors of the means measurements. The purpose of this research is to determine the mass content of adsorbed molecules on the surface of the installation performing calibration work by infrared spectrophotometry. In this article, there is the description of the experimental installation for making PGS. Also, there is provided a method of the experimentation connected with calibration/verification of gas analyzers and with the determination of the size of adsorbed UV. Discussed questions related to the relative error of the determination for the analysis of the amount of a substance. There are the results of experiments on the quantitative determination of the adsorption of hydrocarbon during the calibration/verification work and the appearance of a related systematic error.


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