2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the authors:
Sergei P. Bautin, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math), Professor, Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, Snezhinsk Physical-Technical Institute, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Snezhinsk); eLibrary AuthorID, sbautin@usurt.ruAbstract:
Non-stationary solutions of full system of the equations of Navier−Stokes in a onedimensional case are under construction by means of infi nite trigonometrical series and thereby currents of the compressed viscous heat-conducting gas are modelled. The case when entry conditions for the full system of the equations of Navier−Stokes transfer the uniform based gas is considered. And as a total state it is required to come into a fortune of non-uniform rest with a linear profi le of the temperature. For creation of the solution of objective special representations of trigonometrical ranks which coeffi cients are required functions from time are used. For required coeffi cients by means of procedure of projection the infi nite system of the ordinary differential equations in a normal form is written out. Thanks to concrete identical transformations the system is signifi cantly simplified: in the right parts of the equations there are no double sums.Keywords:
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