Development of the idea of a social state and innovations of Article 75.1 of the Russian Federation Constitution

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2021, Vol. 7. № 3 (27)

Development of the idea of a social state and innovations of Article 75.1 of the Russian Federation Constitution

For citation: Skachkova G. S. 2021. “Development of the idea of a social state and innovations of Article 75.1 of the Russian Federation Constitution”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 7, no. 3 (27), pp. 86-97. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2021-7-3-86-97

About the author:

Galina S. Skachkova, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Law Institute (Saint Petersburg);; ORCID: 0000-0003-2550-1269


A new socially oriented article appeared in the Russian Federation Constitution — Art. 75.1. This article is designed to strengthen mutual trust between the state and society, ensure a balance of rights and obligations of a citizen, the implementation of the social partnership principles, and create the necessary conditions for economic, political and social solidarity.

This work is devoted to the formulation of these questions. It shows how conditions are created in Russia for the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution principles to create new models of labor and employment, digitalize all aspects of Russian society life, which have a significant impact on economic growth and improving the well-being of citizens. Russia has enormous potential for achieving the goals set in the country’s socio-economic development and solving problems in achieving sustainable economic growth, which must be successfully implemented. This should inevitably lead to an increase in the standard of living of the majority of citizens, to raise the prestige of a working person by creating conditions for decent work, and the implementation of constitutional guarantees in the sphere of social and labor relations.

The latest constitutional innovations are just beginning to undergo scientific comprehension. Their doctrinal interpretation and identification of axiological potential can make a significant contribution to the definition of modern legal principles of constitutional, administrative, labor and many other branches of Russian law. This is the main goal of the proposed research based on an interdisciplinary approach and traditional methods of legal phenomena cognition.

The author in the proposed work consistently substantiates the conclusions about the consistency of the new norms introduced into the Constitution with a number of principles previously enshrined in it, as well as their timeliness from the point of view of modern changes in the content of social relations in the world of work.


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