On the Understanding of the Civil Regime of a Land Plot

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2017, Vol. 3. №4

On the Understanding of the Civil Regime of a Land Plot

For citation: Ulyanov D. V., Usmanova L. F. 2017. “On the Understanding of the Civil Regime of a Land Plot”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 140-152. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2017-3-4-140-152

About the authors:

Dmitriy V. Ulyanov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; ulyanov_dima@list.ru

Lyudmila F. Usmanova, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; ludmilafuadovna@gmail.com


This article aims to detect the distinctions of a civil and legal regime of land plots. This problem remains to be one of the most discussed in the civil law. The exact and correct legal definition is important from the perspective of the understanding of this or that legal fact, features of its manifestation, the analysis of standard and legal regulation, improvements of the modern legislation. The contradictory understanding of these categories relates to a special subject of legal regulation — a land plot, which is considered both as a real estate object and as a natural one.

The author has analyzed the available directions in legal understanding of civil and legal regime categories, revealing contradictions among them — one of them, in particular, is their identification.

The paper discloses the similar and distinct features of a civil law and legal regime for the land plots. The author finds it legally improper to equalize these categories, as they have different objects, purposes, methods, and structural elements.

In conclusion, the article suggests the introduction of obligatory notarial certificate of transactions with land plots as a guarantor of citizens’ rights protection. The existing state registration of such guarantees only a certain degree of RF citizens’ legal security. The suggested solution aims at the strengthening of legality of land transactions.


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