Social Responsibility and Competitiveness of International Companies: Conceptual Analysis

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2017, Vol. 3. №3

Social Responsibility and Competitiveness of International Companies: Conceptual Analysis

For citation: Anikeeva O. P., Simonova L. M., Khasanova A. Kh. 2017. “Social Responsibility and Competitiveness of International Companies: Conceptual Analysis”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 3, no 3, pp. 226-241. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2017-3-3-226-241

About the authors:

Oksana P. Anikeeva, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, University of Tyumen;

Lyudmila M. Simonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Management and Business, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;

Alina Kh. Khasanova, Master of Management, Profile International Business, Department of World Economy and International Business, University of Tyumen;


This article overviews the existing approaches to study of interrelation of social respon-sibility and company competitiveness. It tries to systematize a discussion about a role, a contribution, influence and interconditionality of social responsibility, its managerial benefits, social and economic effects and financial performance, stability and company competitiveness. Numbers of traditional theoretical approaches to the analysis of inter-relation of social responsibility, financial performance, company competitiveness are provided. Their essence is determined; the directions of the empirical researches devoted to study of interrelation of social responsibility and efficiency of the company are singled out. Their characteristics, the chronology of formation and development, the critical analysis are shown. Evolution of formation and development of approaches and methods of empirical researches in this subject domain is studied, the received results allowed to aggregate the most popular of them.

Along with foreign, domestic experience of the empirical researches devoted to study of interrelation of social responsibility and efficiency of the company is provided. The contribution of authors to its formation and development is shown. The critical analysis of the existing approaches and the practices of empirical researches is carried out.

It is represented that the received results would allow to improve the existing idea of an order of a ratio of influence of social responsibility, its managerial benefits and social and economic effects on efficiency of functional activities, sustainable development and company competitiveness in the conditions of increase in its public return. Mechanisms of communication of economic and social development of socially responsible companies allow to consider and disclose results of a research in detail; it is pragmatic to estimate managerial benefits of the concept of social responsibility. In view of the increasing unification of national corporate practices and the dissemination of social responsibility standards, the marginal value of the accumulated experience in this field of research becomes more universal.


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