The Development of the Theory of Innovative Economy in the Beginning of the XXI Century and the Challenges of Innovative Growth in Russia

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2017, Vol. 3. №1

The Development of the Theory of Innovative Economy in the Beginning of the XXI Century and the Challenges of Innovative Growth in Russia

For citation: Veretennikova N. V., Zagvyazinskaya N. M., Iablochkina T. V. 2017. “The Development of the Theory of Innovative Economy in the Beginning of the XXI Century and the Challenges of Innovative Growth in Russia”. Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 238-250. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7897-2017-3-1-238-250

About the authors:

Natalia V. Veretennikova, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Applied Economics, Tomsk Research University;

Natalia M. Zagvyazinskaya, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Tyumen State University;

Tatiana V. Iablochkina, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Tyumen State Medical University;


The innovative development of the economy provides a high-quality economic growth and gives momentum of manufacturing activity in the long term. The aim of the article is to analyze the scientific papers on the formation of innovation systems in Russia and the identification of innovative growth problems. The article presents the authors’ position on the issue of the conditions necessary for innovation and development of existing obstacles in the process of establishing the innovation sector of the Russian economy. The economic, manufacturing, organizational, and legal factors that are braking the process are considered.

The study revealed regularities in the formation of the modern innovation system in Russia. An essential condition for this is the contact with the Russian business universities that are able to generate innovative ideas actively, responding to company queries. The most important factor of innovation development is the state support for innovative processes, which is reflected in the financing of R&D and in the various measures to promote entrepreneurship. The latter, according to the researchers, should help to increase competition and therefore cause the need for innovation on the part of business. As an example, the analysis focused on the situation in the Tyumen region to create conditions for effective integration of national businesses in the process of creating the innovation sector of the Russian economy. At the same time it is noted that there is no universal model of innovation that can be used in all areas for any kind of innovation.


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