Axiological Dissonance in Legal Regulation

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2016, Vol. 2. №2

Axiological Dissonance in Legal Regulation

About the author:

Andrey N. Glebov, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Department of State and Criminal Law, Kurgan State University;


The article analyzes the impact of the axiological sphere of society on the mechanism of legal regulation, which is rather relevant to study under the conditions of searching for new implements of improving the efficiency of legal regulation, as it helps to understand the causes of lowering efficiency. In this work the author has established three types of socio-axiological orientation of regulatory legal acts. Two types of this orientation may lead to the blemishes of legal regulation if the axiological wording of the act: 1) corresponds to the interests and values of one group, the part of the society, or 2) ignores the values of society. The author also suggests introducing the term “axiological dissonance” in order to describe this negative phenomenon of social and legal reality (if implemented to the mechanism of legal regulation). The notion lies in contradiction and discrepancy between the values, which dominate in the society (or in its part), and values, which are represented by the legal arrangements; axiological dissonance also entails the disfiguration of mechanism of legal regulation and reduction of its efficiency.


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