Sochi olympic games as viewed by the youth

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Sochi olympic games as viewed by the youth

About the authors:

Nadezhda V. Dulina, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Technologies, Volgograd State University;

Ekaterina V. Kargapolova, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Political Analysis and Socio-Psychological Processes, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia;,

Stanislav V. Kargapolov, Master Student at the Department of Cultural Studies, Astrakhan State University


This article is based on the data obtained in the course of sociological study of common and specific features of evaluation of Sochi Olympic Games by university students from Astrakhan and Volgograd. The conclusions of the evaluations by students from Astrakhan and Volgograd are generally similar, but the basic structure of their opinions is slightly different. Students from Astrakhan were more interested in the idea of a large holiday, including the opening and closing ceremonies, whereas students from Volgograd were more interested in high-level sports, involving top-flight individual achievement. The students from Volgograd were more flat and pragmatic than their counterparts from Astrakhan, who expressed more emotion in their evaluation of the Olympic Games. Such features as individualism and rationalism are more typical for the students from Volgograd, reflecting a primarily urban mentality, than of the students from Astrakhan, reflecting a more small-town mentality, characterized by inherent collectivism, expression of emotions and irrationality.


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