2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)About the author:
Evgeniya A. Kogay, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Kursk State University; eakogay@mail.ruAbstract:
1. Lapin, N. I. Modernizacija v mire, ee sostojanie v regionah Rossii / / Problemy modernizacii v socio-kul'turnyh portretah regionov Rossii: sbornik materialov VIII Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. po programme "Sociokul'turnaja jevoljucija Rossii i ee regionov", Ufa, 22-25 okt. 2012 g. [Modernization in the world, its stage in the regions of Russia / / Modernization Problems in sociocultural portraits of regions of Russia: collection of materials of the VIII all-Russia scientific and practical conference on the "Sociocultural Evolution of Russia and its Regions", Ufa, 22-25 October 2012]. Ufa: Gilem, 2012. P. 6-23. (in Russian).
2. A. A., Kogay, E. A., Pasovets, Yu. M. Sociokul'turnaja dinamika Kurskoj oblasti i vyzovy modernizacii / / Sociologicheskie issledovanija [Sociocultural dynamics of Kursk region and the challenges of modernization / / Sociological research]. 2012. № 9. P. 41-47. (in Russian).
3. Osinevich, L. M. Vyjavlenie faktorov jekonomicheskogo rosta regiona po dominirujushhim vidam jekono-micheskoj dejatel'nosti (na primere Kurskoj oblasti): nauchnyj otchet [Identification of factors of economic growth of the region by the dominating types of economic activity (the example of Kursk region): a scientific report]. Kursk, 2012. 20 p. (in Russian).
4. Doklady o razvitii chelovecheskogo potenciala IRChP v Rossijskoj Federacii [Reports on human development of HDI in the Russian Federation]. URL: (in Russian).
5. Kurskaja oblast' v cifrah. 2014: Kratkij statisticheskij sbornik / Territorial'nyj organ Federal'noj sluzhby gosdarstvennoj statistiki po Kurskoj oblasti [Kursk region in figures. 2014: Short statistical collection / Territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service in Kursk region]. Kursk, 2014. 70 p. (in Russian).
6. Investicionnyj rejting regionov Rossii [Investment rating of regions of Russia]. URL: (in Russian).
7. V Kurske sostojalsja III Srednerusskij jekonomicheskij forum [The III Central Russia economic forum took place in Kursk]. URL: (in Russian).