Social and economic potential of modernization transformations of a region (the example of Kursk region)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Social and economic potential of modernization transformations of a region (the example of Kursk region)

About the author:

Evgeniya A. Kogay, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Kursk State University;


In the article the author traces the key tendencies of social and economic development of Kursk region. The author raises the issue of developing a balanced strategy of social and cultural modernization of the of subjects in Russian Federation. Kursk region is presented as an average Russian region. The author addresses to the dynamics of main socio-economic indexes, Human development index (HDI), investment potential and investment risk in the region. Possibilities and limitations of realization of modernization processes are recreated in the article. The region demonstrates quite enviable stability of development, lack of socio-political intensity and smooth increase of the leading socio-economic indexes in recent years. Kursk region however has low limit return on the invested capital. The nature of modernization processes in the area is defined as "gradual development". Intensive development of agricultural production increases the chances to preserve stability in the region in the face of a new economic crisis. In the region the economy of events has a significant role. Great effort in required to elaborate the strategy of maintenance and development of the human capital in Kursk and other regions of Russia.


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