Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014About the authors:
Maria V. Batyreva, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0001-6588-5469Abstract:
The article raises questions of vocational guidance assessment in schools. The authors emphasize that in modern conditions, career guidance is one of the key functions of middle schools. Vocational guidance activities expressly promote school students' adequate career choice that increases their chances for future success in life and provides necessary quantity and quality of specialists for the labor market. Consequently, the efficiency of these activities depends on regular assessment through polls designed for senior students and aimed at identification of their professional and educational aspirations and evaluation of the quality of the career guidance received. A similar research is necessary to improve the quality of career guidance conducted in schools. Based on the research conducted by the educational and scientific sociological laboratory of the Tyumen State University Department of General and Economic Sociology, this article attempts to analyze the efficiency of vocational guidance for school students in the region. In addition, both objective properties of career guidance quality (the list of the major subjects and institutes of professional education, selected by senior students) and subjective value (assessment of the degree of influence on professional and educational choices of different agents, satisfaction with the quality of the received career guidance) are taken into account. Following the results of the analysis, recommendations aimed at improving the existing system of career guidance in secondary schools are developed.References:
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