The principle of secret ballot under conditions of modern information technologies

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014

The principle of secret ballot under conditions of modern information technologies

About the author:

Kseniya Y. Matryonina,


Election is the most important tool in democratic decision making. The provision of secrecy of the ballot is the biggest problem of electronic voting. The research goal is a detailed consideration of the principle of secret suffrage of electronic voting, research of rules of secret voting. The general research methods used were as follows: comparative legal research, induction and deduction, synthesis and analysis, dialectical research. The article considers the international legislation in the area of secret suffrage (for example, Code of good practice in electoral matters). Moreover, the possible violations of secret voting are analyzed. There is a review of recent achievements in the area of defense of secret suffrage in foreign countries (Switzerland, Canada). The author proposes the protective means for secret voter's will provision. The article concludes that further development of e—voting systems is imperative, as is the elaboration and the improvement of protective mechanism of secret suffrage.


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