Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014About the author:
Maris V. Bill ,Abstract:
The article is devoted to the analysis of a public-private partnership, currently developing in the Russian Federation, with the application of Constitutional Law principles, namely, whether it is possible to use it as a means for implementation of constitutional principles in the sphere of entrepreneurial or any other economic activity. To prove the validity of his position, the author analyses the concept of publicprivate partnership and attempts to tackle the issue concerning the correctness of itsapplication as a term. Moreover, the author analyses the views of top researchers, monographs and periodical publications, legal documents and bills. The basic research methods applied in the article are complex and comparative analysis. The novelty of the views expressed by the author is proved by the fact that public-private partnership has never been considered in the context of the Constitutional law and the topicality of the theme chosen is substantiated by the developing social and economic processes that stimulated the emergence of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation.Keywords:
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