A land lot as an object of property law: historical-legal

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

A land lot as an object of property law: historical-legal

About the authors:

Ekaterina I. Davydova,
Post-graduate student, Institute of Law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University

Lyudmila F. Usmanova, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Institute of State and Law, University of Tyumen; ludmilafuadovna@gmail.com


The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of transformation of volume of property rights to a land lot at different historical stages of development of Russian laws. It is important to consider the historical aspect of civil regulation of property rights to land lot in Russia because of the specifics of variety of its forms in different periods. This article seeks to examine the evolution of institutions of property rights, right of lifetime inheritable possession, lease, mortgage. The authors trace the formation of the institutions in different historical periods: the ancient Russian state, feudal land tenure, land tenure by lease, and the Soviet period. The authors conclude that in the process of historical development these systems, kinds and forms of land use changed, correspondingly the property rights to land also changed. The study shows that today the right of ownership is dominant in the system of property rights since the owner has a full set of powers for possession, use and disposal of land. The authors determine and describe the characteristics of property rights to land. Property rights to land are derived from common property rights, they are dependent on the authority of the owner, but have certain independence and absolute character.


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