Corruption in the legal-institutional and innovative systems of the society: Russian specifics

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

Corruption in the legal-institutional and innovative systems of the society: Russian specifics

About the authors:

Lyudmila M. Simonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Management and Business, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;

Irina Р. Gibler,
Post-graduate student, Institute of Law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University

Alesya S. Kiseleva,
Post-graduate student, World Economics and International Business Department, Institute of Law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University


The objective of the research is to identify and analyze peculiarities of corruption in the legal-institutional and innovative systems of the Russian society. The scale and scope of corruption in Russia affects realization of many important projects in a negative way, which makes the topic analyzed very timely and urgent. The article discloses the essence of corruption, and uncovers the sources and motives of it in the Russian context. Typical models of corrupt behavior in Russia are outlined. In the article the corruption is analyzed mostly as the institutional and legal phenomenon. The article discusses the ranking levels of corruption in Russia in comparison with other countries. Specificity of this phenomenon in Russia, its evolution, peculiarities, negative and positive social functions in the society are explored. The process of corruption’s transformation into an institutional subsystem, and the consequences of this process are highlighted. 


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