Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013About the author:
Jamila F. Skripnyuk,Abstract:
Provides an overview of the basic obligations assumed by Russia in connection with the entry into the WTO. The history of Russia’s integration with the WTO and the formation of the EurAsEC, Customs Union. Assessed the possible impact of Russia’s WTO accession on the economy of regions with a view to improving export, opportunities for the local industry to compete with imports of foreign manufacturers. Showing the risks for high-tech industries, traditionally enjoying government support, risks in the evaluation of sensitivity for the WTO industries to new economic realities and risks of reforming the country’s economy and that of individual regions. Regions are ranked by the sector structure of gross value added and on the basis of the concentration of final consumption. Specialization of regions identified by separate branches of the manufacturing industry. Export profiles and export opportunities of Russia’s regions defined. Typology of regions according to the assessment of the impact of WTO rules on their development drawn up.References:
1. OECD / Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation. URL:
2. Report of the working Party on the accession of the Russian Federation to the world Trade Organization//WT/ACC/RUS/70t//WT/MIN(11)/2//16 November 2011.
3. Rezerford, T., Tarr, D. Report «Russia's accession to the WTO». World Bank, 2012.
4. National economic impact of the accession of Russia to the WTO // Report CEMI RAS. Moscow, 2002. (in Russian).
5. Davydenko, V.A., Romashkina, G.F., Skripnjuk, D.F., Tarasova, A.N., Didenko, N.I. Upravlenie innovacionnym razvitiem regiona [Office of Regional Development]. Tyumen, 2013. (in Russian).
6. Single interagency information-statistical system. Rosstat. URL:
7. The official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. URL:
8. National Summary Data Page (NSDP). URL: macroeconomics.
9. The official website of the World Bank. URL: