Global corporation as an economic category

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013

Global corporation as an economic category

About the authors:

Taisya V. Pogodaeva,
Evgenia V. Shavina,
Assistant, Department for Economic Theory, Plekhanov Russian University for Economics (Moscow)


Global corporations which have sprung up due to the evolutionary development of corporations involved in large-scale international operations have a considerable impact on all economic processes and occupy a worldwide leadership position in the field of technology. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss specific aspects of the formation and evolution of global corporations. The author seeks to reveal the nature, essential features and evolutionary stages of the global corporations. The analysis of the existing scientific works shows that modern approaches to the global corporations are based on different criteria and fall into four groups: (a) a business
globalization approach; (b) an institutional approach; (c) an evolutionary approach and (d) a competitive advantage approach. In contrast to widespread considerations about the size and scale of global corporations this paper aims to emphasize an innovative nature of global corporations which have obtained their unique business advantages and strengths through developing innovations and putting them to use at the network-wide level.


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