The realities of pension reform in the Russian Federation

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013

The realities of pension reform in the Russian Federation

About the authors:

Elena S. Korchemkina, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit, Tyumen State University;

Nadezhda V. Nikitina,
student, Tyumen State University


The article covers the property analysis of the current pension and social security system reform in Russia. Implemented measures under the pension reform are jeopardized by changes in age and gender structure of the population, the working population/pensioners ratio, and a major decline in the number of compulsory pension premium payers in comparison with the number of pension recipients. Thus the reform does not lead to significant positive change in the level of socially vulnerable population protection. In the current pension system there are some basic tools for citizens’ constitutional rights loyalty and implementation. In author’s opinion, they are (a) parametric changes of the pension application requirements, including the age of retirement, the length of employment and pension premium payments, expected payment period, and (b) the formation of the funded component of the pension system with development indicators of the Russian economy taken into account.


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