Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013About the author:
Alla G. Leontyeva,Abstract:
1. Doklad o razvitii chelovecheskogo potenciala v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2011 g. 2011 Human Development Report in the Russian Federation] / Under the editorship of А.А. Auzan and
S.N. Bobyleva. Мoscow, 2011. 146 p. (in Russian).
2. The Concept of Long-Term Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2020: Russian Government Executive Order № 1662–p. dated 17.11. 2008 URL:
(in Russian).
3. Indicators for Assessment of Executive Branch Effectiveness in Subjects of the Russian Federation. Universal Intergovernmental Statistic Information System. URL:
4. Zubarevich, N.V. Regiony Rossii: neravenstvo, krizis, modernizacija [Regions of Russia: Inequality, Crisis and Modernization]. Мoscow, 2010. 160 p. (in Russian).
5. Matveeva, A. Transferred to the Middle Class. How the Income Growth Affects the Structure of Society. Moskovskie novosti — Moscow News. 21 November. № 411 URL: 20121121/331104305.html
6. Russia in Figures 2013: Rosstat. Moscow, 2013. 573 p. (in Russian).
7. Russia and Countries of the World 2012: Rosstat. Moscow, 2012. 380 p. (in Russian).
8. Rzhanicyna, L.S. Jekspertiza social'nyh rashodov proekta bjudzheta na 2013-2015 gody, gendernaja sostavljajushhaja [Expertise in Social Expenditures and Draft Budget for 2013-2015, Gender Aspect]. URL:
9. Zolotareva, A.B. et al. Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija sistemy social'noj zashhity v Rossii [Status and Prospects of Social Protection in Russia]. Мoscow, 2011. 268 p. (in Russian).
10. Romanova, V.V. Pokazateli bjudzhetnyh rashodov po otrasljam social'no-kul'turnoj sfery (konsolidirovannyj bjudzhet Rossijskoj Federacii i bjudzhety gosudarstvennyh vnebjudzhetnyh fondov, federal'nyj bjudzhet) [Indicators of Budget Spending on Welfare (Consolidated Budget of the Russian Federation and State Non-Budgetary Funds, Federal Budget)] / V.V. Romanova,
B.L. Rudnik, А.V. Mackevich; National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. Мoscow, 2012. 86 p. (in Russian).
11. Maleeva, T.M., Ovcharova, L.N., Burdjak, A.U., Zubarevich, N.V., Pishnjak, A.I., Popova, D.O., Sinjavskaja, O.V. Social'naja podderzhka: uroki krizisov i vektory modernizacii [Social Assistance: Crisis Lessons and Vectors of Modernization] / Under the editorship of Т.М. Maleeva and L.N. Ovcharova. Мoscow, 2010. 336 p. (in Russian).