Features of monitoring mechanical dislocation of land-scapes at hydrocarbon extraction facilities (Purovsky district of Yamal-Nenets autonomous area)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Features of monitoring mechanical dislocation of land-scapes at hydrocarbon extraction facilities (Purovsky district of Yamal-Nenets autonomous area)

About the author:

Alexander A. Tigeev, Cand. Sci. (Geog.), Senior Researcher, Institute of Problems Development of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch), Tyumen


The article describes the types of mechanical landscape disfigurement in the areas of oil and gas production (Purovsky district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area). The landscape complexes of the considered territory function as the resources characterizing economic value of landscapes and at the same time existing mode of their use. Landscape monitoring is organized to supervise their change: anthropogenic impact, dynamics of the areas under anthropogenic impact, degradation extent of natural complexes. The dependence of distribution of dangerous exogenous processes on technogenic burden is assessed. Rehabilitation features of the disturbed landscapes are registered. The assessment of load level on natural landscapes of the West Tarko-Sale gas field is given for illustrative purposes. The degree of landscape transformation and the area occupied with different types of anthropogenic landscapes in the field territory are defined. It is concluded that, to preserve soil and vegetable cover at industrial development of the territory, it is vital to maximize localization of all types of influence in the course of construction and operation of an industrial complex.


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