Parametres of biochemical stability of peats

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)

Parametres of biochemical stability of peats

About the authors:

Lidiya I. Inisheva, Dr. Agric. Sci., Professor, Head of Agroecology Laboratory, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Stanislav G. Maslov, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetics, Institute of Natural Resources, Tomsk Polytechnical University
Tatjana V. Dementjeva, Cand. Sci. (biol.), no affiliation
Lekh W. Szajdak, Professor, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poznań, Poland)


The 140 representative samples of peat were selected on the territory of the taiga zone of Western Siberia to work out the criteria of biochemical stability of peats. The basic technical characteristics and the composition of organic matters of peats were studied. The systematic approach was used to reveal the factors of biochemical stability of peats. The study of the fractional makeup of nitrogen confirmed the leading role of the botanical composition of peats in the distribution of nitrogen compounds according to fractions. Raised bog peats have proved to be less nitrogen-enriched than low-mire peats, particularly the peats of the moss group. The peats of the moss group are characterized by the lowest content of total nitrogen and the low content of easy hydrolysable factions as well as by the increased content of poorly-hydrolysable and non-hydrolysable fractions. The revealed differences of the fractional makeup of nitrogen in peats with a different botanical composition are correlated with the differences of the factious-group composition of organic matters. The correlation analysis has shown that the most significant parameters (out of the 38 parameters taken) are (i) the sum of humic acids,(ii) the content of carbohydrates (hydrolysable and poorly-hydrolysable), (iii) the non-hydrolysable remainder, (iv)the C/N ratio (carbon-to-nitrogen ratio), (v) the sum of hydrolysable and mineral nitrogen and (vi) the content of lipides. These parameters may serve as possible parameters of the biochemical stability of peats.


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