Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2014About the authors:
Sergei A. Petrov, Dr. Med. Sci., Leading Scientific Researcher, Research Institute ofAbstract:
The article dwells on immune characteristics of tundra Nenets and their connection with climatic and geographical living conditions in the North zone of the Harasavey-Novourengoy subzone of the Ustpur-Tazov region and in the Central zone of the Igarko-Numtinsk subzone of the Pur region. Reduction of the absolute count of leukocytes and neutrophils has been registered among the tundra Nenets in the Ustpur-Tazov region, which is compensated by an increase in the relative count of monocytes and lymphocytes and a 4.5-fold activation of the humoral immune system.The climatic and geographic conditions of the Ustpur-Tazov region, in comparison with the Pur region, are characterized by an increase in the thickness of permafrost, average annual wind speed, and relative humidity; and a decrease in the mean annual air temperature, precipitation, and snow depth. A reliable correlation between the climatic conditions of residence (air temperature, amount of precipitation, wind velocity, relative humidity and snow depth) and the immune characteristics of the tundra Nenets (leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, СD3+, СD95+ neutrophils, immunoglobulins A and M) has been shown.Keywords:
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