The influence of geo-ecological characteristics on the body condition of the indigenous Yamal population

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Medico-Biological Sciences (№6). 2013

The influence of geo-ecological characteristics on the body condition of the indigenous Yamal population

About the authors:

Natalya L. Mamaeva, post-graduate student, Scientific Researcher, Research
Institute of «General and Applied Criology», Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Sergei A. Petrov, Dr. Med. Sci., Leading Scientific Researcher, Research Institute of
«General and Applied Criology», Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


Geological features of northern territories are considered in the aspect of their influence on the organism of the native populations of Yamal. The present article offers a comparative and correlative analysis of the ecological, climatic and cryosolic characteristics of Ustpurovsky-Tazovsky and Purovsky geo-cryological regions and their influence on the health of aboriginals. It was stated that the total volume of sewage thrown in the surface water objects and the content of iron chlorides and ammonium nitrogen is bigger in Purovsky geocryological region, however, the given contaminations do not exceed the tolerance limit concentrations (LTC). It is necessary to consider the geocryological peculiarities of the territory, as the superficial permanently frozen ground can entrap different substances and accumulate them. Thus, LTC for northern territories must be considerably lower. Examination of the contaminating substances showed excess of LTC in hard substances (dust, soot, ash, etc.), and carbon oxide in the atmosphere of Purovsky geocryological region and nitrogen oxides both in Purovsky and Ustpurovsky-Tazovsky geocryological regions. The abovementioned microscopic solid particles are capable of accumulating in human bodies, thereby damaging human health. Apart from the ecological characteristics, the influence of climate indexes of the reviewed territories (air temperature and humidity, wind direction and speed, quantity of precipitation) on the immune system of the tundra nenets was studied. In conclusion, complex influence of extreme climate, ecological, and cryological conditions of the northern regions essentially affects human organisms creating a basis for developing of pathological processes.


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