Characteristic of fractional structure of the organic matter in peats

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013

Characteristic of fractional structure of the organic matter in peats

About the authors:

Lidiya I. Inisheva, Dr. Agric. Sci., Professor, Head of Agroecology Laboratory, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Lekh W. Szajdak, Professor, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poznań, Poland)


One of the perspective organic fertilizer resources is peat, containing many active components (humic acids, carbohydrates and others). A variety of the conditions of existence of bogs defines a significant variety of the chemical composition of peat forming peat deposits. The purpose ofthis article is to study the properties of the organic matter (OM) of peats in West Siberian taiga. Samples of representative peats (140) were selected on the territory of Tomsk Region and then an analysis of fractional group structure of the organic matter in peats was done. In these samples specific distribution of organic material fractions were revealed in various types and groups of peats. The reasearch shows that low-lying herbal and wood-herbal groups of peat can serve as optimal raw material base for production of organic fertilizers from peat.


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