Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Earth sciences (№7; №4). 2013About the authors:
Boris A. Seredovskikh, Cand. Geograph. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Nizhnevartovsk Economics and Law Institute, Tyumen State University BranchAbstract:
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8. Vampilova, L.B. Issues of Historic and Geographic Zoning. Vestnik Tjumenskogo
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12. Rjumin, V.V. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the History of Natural Resources
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13. Smirnjagin L.V. Zoning Societies: Methods and Algorithms. Voprosy jekonomicheskoj
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16. Bulatov, V.I., Igenbaeva, N.O., Mordkovich, V.G. Issledovanie strukturnofunkcional'noj
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