Simulation of the thermal field in reservoir during the filtration of live oil and water with considering the heat of oil degassing and thermodynamic effects

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2024. Vol. 10. № 1 (37)

Simulation of the thermal field in reservoir during the filtration of live oil and water with considering the heat of oil degassing and thermodynamic effects

For citation: Sharafutdinov, R. F., Valiullin, R. A., Babanazarov, D. I., & Kanafin, I. V. (2024). Simulation of the thermal field in reservoir during the filtration of live oil and water with considering the heat of oil degassing and thermodynamic effects. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, 10(1), 6–18.

About the authors:

Ramil F. Sharafutdinov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of the Department of Geophysics, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia
Rim A. Valiullin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Head of the Department of Geophysics, Bashkir State University (Ufa);

Dilshot I. Babanazarov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Geophysics, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia

Ildar V. Kanafin, Assistant, Department of Geophysics, Bashkir State University (Ufa);


In the process of water invasion of reservoir under conditions of pressure decrease below the bubble point pressure of oil with dissolved gas, when oil degasses, an area of three-phase flow of oil, water and gas appears in the reservoir. In this case, each of the phases makes a certain contribution to the formation of the thermal field in the reservoir, due to the thermodynamic effects shows and the heat of oil degassing. The thermal field forming is influence many parameters, for example, the initial water cut of formation, gas oil ratio, the ratio of reservoir pressure and bubble point pressure of oil with dissolved gas, the ratio of reservoir pressure and bottomhole pressure, etc.
The thermohydrodynamic processes occurring in this case carry information about the formation and the near wellbore zone. One of the directions for using the features of the formation of the temperature field in this case is the use of thermometric studies of wells to diagnose the condition of the well and formation. Reservoir water invasion under the condition of oil degassing leads to a change in the temperature distribution in the formation, which can be used in diagnosing the identifying sources of water invasion.
Using a numerical method for solving the equations of mass conservation and heat influx during non-isothermal three-phase filtration, in this work are studied the features of the formation of the temperature field in an oil-saturated reservoir with an initial water cut during oil degassing. As a result of calculations for various ratios of the initial water cut of the formation and the gas oil ratio, temperature dependences were obtained for different of well operation times. The obtained dependences of temperature on water cut and gas oil ratio can be used as palettes for quantitative evaluation of water inflow rates from formations.


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