The method of calculating the parameters of a heat exchanger with porous inserts based on the obtained criterion equation

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2023. Vol. 9. № 3 (35)

The method of calculating the parameters of a heat exchanger with porous inserts based on the obtained criterion equation

For citation: Rydalina, N. V., Stepanov, O. A., Shabarov, A. B., & Aleksandrov, M. A. (2023). The method of calculating the parameters of a heat exchanger with porous inserts based on the obtained criterion equation. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, 9(3), 28–45.

About the authors:

Natalia V. Rydalina, Assistant of Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering, Industrial University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0002-5628-188X

Oleg A. Stepanov, Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Professor, Head of Department of Industrial Heat Power Engineering, Industrial University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0002-9202-2885

Aleksandr B. Shabarov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Applied and Technical Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Tyumen;; eLibrary AuthorID, ORCID, ResearcherID, ScopusID

Mikhail A. Aleksandrov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of Transportation of Hydrocarbon Resources, Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia,


The issues of improving the efficiency of heat exchange equipment are relevant. Heat exchange equipment is used in various industries. Porous metals have proven themselves well when used in heat exchange systems of gas turbine and rocket engines, laser mirror systems, nuclear reactors and other similar systems to increase the efficiency of heat exchange. The use of porous structures is effective due to a significant increase in the heat exchange area. The paper presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies of the efficiency of using porous aluminum inserts in the construction of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The efficiency of using porous aluminum inserts in the construction of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger has been experimentally shown. A similarity equation is obtained for calculating the Nusselt criterion, which makes it possible to find the heat transfer coefficient, and as a consequence, heat transfer for the coolant flowing through porous inserts in the inter-tube space of the heat exchanger. A cluster model was used to calculate the heat exchange area from the side of the coolant flowing through the pairs. The correspondence of the obtained calculation formula with the results of the experimental work is shown. A method of thermal calculation of a heat exchanger with porous aluminum inserts using a cluster model and the obtained criterion equation for calculating the heat transfer coefficient is proposed. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using porous metals in heat exchange structures.


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