The influence of some geometric parameters on heat transfer in axial cooling systems of electronic equipment made on the basis of split fins

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2022. Vol. 8. № 2 (30)

The influence of some geometric parameters on heat transfer in axial cooling systems of electronic equipment made on the basis of split fins

For citation: Gabdullina R. A., Lopatin A. A., Biktagirova A. R., Terentiev A. A. 2022. “The influence of some geometric parameters on heat transfer in axial cooling systems of electronic equipment made on the basis of split fins”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 8, no. 2 (30), pp. 32-51. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2022-8-2-32-51

About the authors:

Gabdullina Rozalia A., Postgraduate Student, Assistant, Department of Jet Engines and Power Plants, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev;
Lopatin Alexey A., Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Jet Engines and Power Plants, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev;
Biktagirova Aigul R., Postgraduate Student, Department of Jet Engines and Power Plants, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev;
Terentiev Alexander A., Assistant, Department of Laser and Additive Technologies, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev;


The active development of advanced digital technologies over the past 10 years has led to the formation of a new set of tasks related to ensuring the uninterrupted and predictable operation of electronic and electric power equipment. Thus, modern telecommunication and computer systems during their normal operation are characterized by significant heat release. One of the main problems of such systems, along with the observance of weight and size characteristics, is the provision of certain operating thermal conditions of the components in a wide range of external conditions. In such situations, passive and active systems with axial fins are very often used.

As a result of the work, experimental studies of heat transfer intensification under conditions of forced convection using split ribs were carried out and presented. The effectiveness of the use of split fins has been shown, during the experiment the most optimal geometric parameters of the working section and the corresponding operating characteristics have been identified. Based on the processing and analysis of experimental data, it was found that this method of intensification makes it possible to increase the intensity of heat transfer up to 64%, since the cutting of the ribs makes it possible to actively prevent the formation of a boundary layer and additionally turbulize the flow, which in turn favorably affects the thermal parameters of the entire system. The visualization of the heat transfer process was performed, which illustrates the active vortex flows formed during the flow around and separation from the edges of the rib of the oncoming coolant flow. The calculation of the thickness of the boundary layer near the split rib was made, in which it was found that for all investigated angles of rib bending γ, an increase in the Re number is characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the boundary layer in the entire range of thermal loads. In conclusion, a general assessment of the influence of geometric and regime parameters on the intensity of heat transfer with forced air supply was carried out.


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