Low-frequency dielectric parameters of water bodies in electric fields of various intensity

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2021. Vol. 7. № 4 (28)

Low-frequency dielectric parameters of water bodies in electric fields of various intensity

For citation: Semikhina L. P., Korovin D. D. 2021. “Low-frequency dielectric parameters of water bodies in electric fields of various intensity”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 7, no. 4 (28), pp. 79-92. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2021-7-4-79-92

About the authors:

Lyudmila P. Semikhina, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Institute of Physics and Technology, University of Tyumen; semihina@mail.ru

Daniil D. Korovin, Research Engineer, Department of Applied and Technical Physics, University of Tyumen; danil7b@mail.ru


Using the example of water in the usual bulk state, as well as in the bound state inside the sorbent of fine river sand and drops of water-oil emulsion, it is substantiated that the dielectric parameters of water bodies in the frequency range less than 20 MHz significantly depend not only on the frequency, but also on the electric field intensity E in which these parameters are located. A change in E by several orders of magnitude in this work is provided by using two types of measuring cells — capacitor (C-cells) and inductive (L-cells), as well as measuring instruments with different operating principles. A sharp change in low-frequency relaxation processes in the usual bulk state of liquid water occurs when E decreases to a level at which conduction currents cease to arise in water and a further decrease in E has little effect. Relaxation processes only for the most mobile part of its molecules, and in very high fields realized in C-cells, on the contrary, only about the most bound molecules in its first adsorption layers. At the same time, the dielectric parameters of water-oil emulsions turned out to be sensitive to the presence of water droplets in them only in strong electric fields of C-cells. Thus, in this work, it is revealed for the first time that the stronger the interaction of water with the surrounding molecules in an object, the the higher values of E should be used to study low-frequency relaxation processes in it by the dielectric method.


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