Application of a multidimensional deterministic-statistical numerical correlation model to refine the structure of the AS11 horizon of the Zapadno-Kamynskoye field

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2021. Vol. 7. № 3 (27)

Application of a multidimensional deterministic-statistical numerical correlation model to refine the structure of the AS11 horizon of the Zapadno-Kamynskoye field

For citation: Nikashkin A. M., Klimov A. A. 2021. “Application of a multidimensional deterministic-statistical numerical correlation model to refine the structure of the AS11 horizon of the Zapadno-Kamynskoye field”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 7, no. 3 (27), pp. 123-135. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2021-7-3-123-135

About the authors:

Anatoly M. Nikashkin, Cand. Sci. (Geol. and Mineral.), Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft

Aleksey A. Klimov, Deputy Head of Department, Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft;


One of the primary and significant tasks in the construction of geological models of oil and gas reservoirs and development facilities is the problem of correlation of productive layers. This task, as a rule, is reduced to the identification and areal tracing of presumably even-aged oil and gas strata, horizons, and layers characterized by clear boundaries between sand strata and clay layers overlapping them. The practice of work related to modeling the structure of oil and gas horizons, layers and strata indicates that the correlation is not always unambiguous. The ambiguity is especially noticeable when correlating strata characterized by a clinoform structure, one of the examples is the Achimov strata. The most reliable basis for well correlation is GIS materials and lithological features of the interlayers forming individual layers. Clay interlayers and clay strata separating productive deposits provide valuable information when choosing a correlation model in sedimentary sections. These interlayers are characterized by the greatest consistency in area and are most clearly displayed on geophysical diagrams by the nature of the drawings of GIS curves. However, even in this case, i. e. when using the entire accumulated volume of the most diverse lithological and field-geophysical information, the correlation models of the sections turn out to be different and often even opposite. In this paper, the authors had to face a similar situation when correlating the horizon AS11 of the Zapadno-Kamynskoye field. The paper describes a method for clarifying the position of the chops of the productive horizon of oil and gas deposits using a multidimensional deterministic-statistical numerical model of the correlation of sedimentary strata. The proposed approach allows us to uniquely determine the positions of the chops in the conditions of a complex geological structure of the object, high thin-layered heterogeneity. A concrete example shows the advantages of the proposed approach in comparison with the traditional one.


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