Use of nanofluids based on carbon nanoparticles to displace oil from the porous medium model

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2020. Vol. 6. № 4 (24)

Use of nanofluids based on carbon nanoparticles to displace oil from the porous medium model

For citation: Pakharukov Yu. V., Shabiev F. K., Safargaliev R. F., Yezdin B. S., Kalyada V. V. 2020. “Use of nanofluids based on carbon nanoparticles to displace oil from the porous medium model”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 6, no. 4 (24), pp. 141-157. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2020-6-4-141-157

About the authors:

Yuri V. Pakharukov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, University of Tyumen;
Farid K. Shabiev, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, University of Tyumen;

Ruslan F. Safargaliev, Postgraduate Student, University of Tyumen;

Boris S. Yezdin, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State University;

Valery V. Kalyada, Leading Electrician, Department of Applied Physics, Physical Faculty, Novosibirsk State University;


Graphene, due to its two-dimensional structure, has some unique properties. For example, the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of graphene are an order of magnitude higher than the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of copper. For this reason, graphene-based nanofluids are now used in many industries. Due to the effect of self-organization of graphene nanoparticles with hydrocarbon molecules, the use of graphene has become possible in the oil industry. Graphene-based nanofluids are used as a displacement fluid to increase the oil recovery coefficient. The displacing ability of graphene-based nanofluids is concentration dependent. An increase in the concentration of nanoparticles entails an increase in viscosity, which negatively affects the performance characteristics of the nanofluid. This problem is partially solved due to the synergistic effect, hybrid nanofluids consisting of nanoparticles of graphene and metals or carbides enhance the displacing ability.

Using atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and molecular modelling methods, this work has studied the formation of supramolecular structures that form a transition region at the oil-nanofluid interface with low surface tension as a result of a synergistic effect in the interaction of graphene planar nanoparticles and silicon carbide nanoparticles covered with graphene layers (Core-shell). The model experiments on a Hele-Shaw cell have shown that in a porous medium, such hybrid nanofluids have a high displacement ability of residual oil. At the same time, the oil — nanofluid interface remains stable, without the formation of viscous fingers.

During the study by scanning electron microscopy, a transition region was observed, in the structuring of which the nanoparticles were directly involved. The displacement efficiency of a hybrid nonofluid depends on the concentration of nanoparticles and their interaction.


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