Gelation kinetics accounting when modeling enhanced oil recovery methods

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2020. Vol. 6. № 4 (24)

Gelation kinetics accounting when modeling enhanced oil recovery methods

For citation: Ishkov A. A., Mazitov R. F., Shlyapkin A. S., Malshakov E. N. 2020. “Taking into account the kinetics of gelation when modeling methods of enhanced oil”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 6, no. 4 (24), pp. 101-126. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2020-6-4-101-126

About the authors:

Alexey A. Ishkov, Leading Specialist, Department of Physico-Chemical Methods of Enhancing Oil Recovery, Branch of KogalymNIPIneft LLC, Lukoil-Engineering (Tyumen);

Ruslan F. Mazitov, Head the Department of Physico-Chemical Methods of Enhancing Oil Recovery, Lukoil-Engineering Limited, Kogalymnipineft Branch Office (Tyumen);

Alexey S. Shlyapkin, Leading Specialist, Design and Development Monitoring Department of the Yuzhno-Yagunskoye field, Branch of KogalymNIPIneft, LUKOIL-Engineering (Tyumen);

Evgeniy N. Malshakov, Head of the Field Development Technologies Center, Lukoil-Engineering Limited, Kogalymnipineft Branch Office (Tyumen);


This paper presents a new approach to modeling flow deflectors. The developed approach takes into account changes in rheology properties of gel compositions depending on time and temperature. The effects of changes in the residual resistance factor of the reservoir rock depending on the gel composition concentration and permeability are also considered. In addition, the general concepts included in the developed injection software product used to calculate the geometry of gel screens placement and the effects of their application are shown.

All rheological characteristics of gel composition used in the software product are obtained by laboratory means at the stage of free volume studies and on filtration core models. The developed product allows correctly simulating the processes of gel screen formation in the bottomhole formation zone and evaluating technological efficiency depending on the treatment design. The following characteristics can be used as variable design parameters: concentrations of polyacrylamide and chromium acetate cross-linked, the sequence of increasing/decreasing polyacrylamide and chromium acetate cross-linked concentrations, the volume of both the composition as a whole and individual rims, pressure and injection rate.


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