On the express estimation of geometrical parameters of a hydraulic fracturing crack fixed on a proppant using the methods of mathematical modeling

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2020. Vol. 6. № 3 (23)

On the express estimation of geometrical parameters of a hydraulic fracturing crack fixed on a proppant using the methods of mathematical modeling

For citation: Shlyapkin A. S., Tatosov A. V. 2020. “On the express estimation of geometrical parameters of a hydraulic fracturing crack fixed on a proppant using the methods of mathematical modeling”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 6, no. 3 (23), pp. 79-92. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2020-6-3-79-92

About the authors:

Alexey S. Shlyapkin, Leading Specialist, Design and Development Monitoring Department of the Yuzhno-Yagunskoye field, Branch of KogalymNIPIneft, LUKOIL-Engineering (Tyumen); shlyapkinas@lukoil.tmn.ru

Alexey V. Tatosov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Tyumen; atatosov@utmn.ru


Improving technologies and increasing the number of activities related to hydraulic fracturing increase the requirements for the speed and quality of engineering support. For hydraulic fracturing design, there are specialized software products-hydraulic fracturing simulators, which are based on mathematical models of various dimensions.

Taking into account the influence of filtration leaks into the reservoir and the behavior of proppant particles in the crack largely determine the shape of the fracture crack. In the model representation, these factors are taken into account, but they need to be clarified in order to increase the quality of the forecast and estimate the productivity of the crack, which determines the relevance of this area of study.

In this paper, we propose an analysis that allows us to quickly evaluate the geometric parameters of the crack when changing the technological parameters and properties of the fracture fluid.

The presented mathematical model is based on a one-dimensional mathematical model in PKN representation (Perkins — Kern — Nordgren model).

All calculations presented in this paper were performed using the certified TSH Frac software package designed for modeling the geometric parameters of hydraulic fracturing cracks.

The results of the study can be used in engineering practice for rapid assessment of the geometric parameters of a hydraulic fracturing crack. Subsequent adjustment and adjustment of the model can be carried out when additional information is obtained during small-volume test uploads in the well under study.


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