Energy efficient biomorphic pulse information coding in electronic neurons for the entrance unit of the neuroprocessor

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2019, Vol. 5. №3

Energy efficient biomorphic pulse information coding in electronic neurons for the entrance unit of the neuroprocessor

For citation: Pisarev A. D. 2019. “Energy efficient biomorphic pulse information coding in electronic neurons for the entrance unit of the neuroprocessor”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 5, no 3, pp. 186-212. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2019-5-3-186-212

About the author:

Alexander D. Pisarev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of Applied and Technical Physics, Head of Laboratory of Beam-Plasma Technologies, SEC “Nanotechnologies”, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, ORCID, Scopus AuthorID,


This article studies the implementation of some well-known principles of information work of biological systems in the input unit of the neuroprocessor, including spike coding of information used in models of neural networks of the latest generation.

The development of modern neural network IT gives rise to a number of urgent tasks at the junction of several scientific disciplines. One of them is to create a hardware platform — a neuroprocessor for energy-efficient operation of neural networks. Recently, the development of nanotechnology of the main units of the neuroprocessor relies on combined memristor super-large logical and storage matrices. The matrix topology is built on the principle of maximum integration of programmable links between nodes. This article describes a method for implementing biomorphic neural functionality based on programmable links of a highly integrated 3D logic matrix.

This paper focuses on the problem of achieving energy efficiency of the hardware used to model neural networks. The main part analyzes the known facts of the principles of information transfer and processing in biological systems from the point of view of their implementation in the input unit of the neuroprocessor. The author deals with the scheme of an electronic neuron implemented based on elements of a 3D logical matrix. A pulsed method of encoding input information is presented, which most realistically reflects the principle of operation of a sensory biological neural system. The model of an electronic neuron for selecting ranges of technological parameters in a real 3D logic matrix scheme is analyzed. The implementation of disjunctively normal forms is shown, using the logic function in the input unit of a neuroprocessor as an example. The results of modeling fragments of electric circuits with memristors of a 3D logical matrix in programming mode are presented.

The author concludes that biomorphic pulse coding of standard digital signals allows achieving a high degree of energy efficiency of the logic elements of the neuroprocessor by reducing the number of valve operations. Energy efficiency makes it possible to overcome the thermal limitation of the scalable technology of three-dimensional layout of elements in memristor crossbars.


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