Calculating the thermal interaction of different structures with permanently frozen grounds at the base

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2019, Vol. 5. №2

Calculating the thermal interaction of different structures with permanently frozen grounds at the base

For citation: Primakov S. S., Puldas L. A., Zabora I. V. 2019. “Calculating the thermal interaction of different structures with permanently frozen grounds at the base”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 43-58. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2019-5-2-43-58

About the authors:

Sergey S. Primakov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Head of Department of Permafrost Soil, Novatek-STC (Tyumen);

Lyudmila A. Puldas, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Heatgas Supply and Ventilation Department, Industrial University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID,

Igor V. Zabora, Assistant, Department of Applied and Technical Physics, University of Tyumen;


Numerical modeling is widely applied for performance of heattechnical calculations for definition of heatpower interaction of constructions with permafrost soil. The known advantage of numerical modeling is an opportunity to consider pronounced inhomogeneity of soil in depth, a difficult thermal operating mode of constructions and a combination of various conditions of heat exchange on a surface. However, a lack of such difficult numerical model is first the question of correctness of its construction and results of modeling.

This article studies the problem of determination of reliability of numerical geocryologic model. Tasks of determination of criteria of reliability of mathematical model and of development of a technique which use allows defining reliability of such model are set.

The authors present the solution of these tasks, providing a concept of space-time characteristic of geocryologic conditions, the complex of criteria of reliability of numerical geocryologic model. They have also developed the technique and its application, which speaks for the reliability of numerical geocryologic model.


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