2019, Vol. 5. №1About the authors:
Sergey I. Mazur, Postgraduate Student, Omsk State Technical University; eLibrary AuthorID, ORCID, ResearcherID, mazur1sergey@gmail.comAbstract:
Various models are used to describe fusion and fission reactions. The authors of this article use a model containing two stages of calculations. At the first stage, the process of convergence of colliding ions to the moment of their contact is modeled. The second one deals with the dynamics of the resulting monosystem. The authors are more interested in the first stage of the process, namely, the section of tangency, as defining the section of formation of the evaporative residue of superheavy elements.
When building a model, there is always an acute issue with the choice of a specific type of nuclear potential. In this paper, a comparison is made of existing nuclear potential types of Woods-Saxon type. Based on what the most suitable potential is chosen for the calculation of the input reaction channel in our model.