Features and Efficiency of the Application of Absorption Stellar Spectroscopy in the Monitoring of the Technological Process of Production of High-Octane Gasolines

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Features and Efficiency of the Application of Absorption Stellar Spectroscopy in the Monitoring of the Technological Process of Production of High-Octane Gasolines

For citation: Egorova N. I., Konyushenko I. O., Nemets V..M., Peganov S. A., Podkovyryn I. E. 2018. “Features and Efficiency of the Application of Absorption Stellar Spectroscopy in the Monitoring of the Technological Process of Production of High-Octane Gasolines”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 120-135. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2018-4-2-120-135

About the authors:

Natalia I. Egorova, Cand. Sci (Phys.-Math.), Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; enat99@yandex.ru

Igor O. Konyushenko, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), OKB Spectr (Saint Petersburg); igorek1980@mail.ru

Valeriy M. Nemets, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), St. Petersburg State University; nemec_vm@mail.ru

Sergey A. Peganov, Postgraduate Student, St. Petersburg State University; peganov.sa@yandex.ru

Ilia E. Podkovyryn, Еngineer, Kirishineftorgsintez (Kirishi, Leningrad Region); ilya.podkovyrin@yandex.ru


The energy efficiency of the motor fuels production technological process and gasoline in particular, as well as the safety of various options for their implementation, directly depends on how informative the methods for controlling the detonation characteristics (octane number) of these objects are. This fully applies to the method of absorption optical spectroscopy, widely known and used for the indicated purposes.

A common drawback of the currently used measurement techniques (express-octanometers) in the monitoring of the octane number is the occasionally and disorderly formed high error in its determination which is incompatible with the requirements of technology. The presence of such errors reduces the information content of the measurements and, consequently, the energy efficiency of the technological process.

The current positions of researchers and developers of measurement systems and techniques of definition of gasolines octane number on this problem are reduced mainly to insufficiently high sensitivity and selectivity of the measuring instruments used.

This article studies the validity degree assessment of this position in the matter of using the absorption-spectral method with measurement of the information signal in the middle IR range for determining the octane number were done.

The authors experimentally show that there is a large reserve in terms of the value of the information signal (optical density), both in sensitivity and selectivity, and, consequently, in the unreasonableness of the above-stated position.

In addition, the article demonstrates that the observed errors may be related to the inadequate of the calibration characteristic of express octanometers.


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