Estimating the Efficiency of the Wellbore Zone Treatment by a Heat-Produced Binary Mixture

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Estimating the Efficiency of the Wellbore Zone Treatment by a Heat-Produced Binary Mixture

For citation: Varavva A. I., Tatosov A. V., Vershinin V. E. 2018. “Estimating the Efficiency of the Wellbore Zone Treatment by a Heat-Produced Binary Mixture”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 8-21. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2018-4-2-8-21

About the authors:

Artem I. Varavva, Chief Specialist, Gazprom Neft (Tyumen);

Alexey V. Tatosov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Tyumen;

Vladimir E. Vershinin, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Processes and Systems Modeling, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, Scopus AuthorID,


The development of heavy oil reserves is constantly increasing. An implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods and stimulating production methods are required for high viscosity oil production. The evolution of the methods development is becoming more essential. First of all, that includes the methods of stimulating production, which are used to reduce the high filtration resistances in production well equipment and in the bottomhole formation zone.

Recently, there has been an increasing interest in using of the thermogas-chemical well treatments in bottomhole formation zone. One of the most promising technique is the method of well treatment by the heat-produced binary mixture. The chemically active components injected into the well decompose in the bottomhole formation zone with an emission of gas and heat. As a result of treatment by binary mixtures, the viscosity of the oil reduces, the bottomhole zone calmatation disappears, waxes wash out, and the natural fracturing of the carbonate reservoirs increases. These factors lead to well productivity increasing.

This paper studies the process of injection into the productive formation an aqueous mixture with chemically active components. The mathematical model is proposed and resolved numerically. The results are compared with the actual field data of the well treated with the binary mixture. The contribution to additional oil recovery obtained after treatment is estimated by various factors, such as reducing the oil viscosity oil and cleaning the bottomhole zone.


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