Energy Efficiency of Low Power Solid-Fuel Hot-Water Boilers Improved by Moving Combustion Grate

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2017, Vol. 3. №4

Energy Efficiency of Low Power Solid-Fuel Hot-Water Boilers Improved by Moving Combustion Grate

For citation: Belkin A. P., Khuzhaev P. S. 2017. “Energy Efficiency of Low Power Solid-Fuel Hot-Water Boilers Improved by Moving Combustion Grate”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 51-64. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2017-3-4-51-64

About the authors:

Alexei P. Belkin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Heat and Power Engineering, Industrial University of Tyumen;

Parviz S. Khuzhaev, Senior Lecturer, Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation, Faculty of Construction and Architecture, M. S. Osimi Tajik Technical University;


Increasing the performance factor and efficiency of high-ash fuel burnt in low-power boilers has become a crucial task due to the rise in the fuel prices and the quantity of low-grade fuel burnt.

This paper presents the design of a hot-water solid-fuel fire-tube boiler with a regulated furnace volume due to relocation of the combustion grate. The authors aim at developing a new approach to formation of the combustion flame front by changing the furnace volume, which ensures more efficient performance of the boiler, as well as reduction in maintenance costs.

The study has resulted in developing and patenting the design of the hot-water solid-fuel boiler with a variable furnace volume due to relocation of the combustion grate. The moving combustion grate used for different high-ash solid fuels along with fusible ash makes it possible to increase the efficiency of combustion by eliminating ash sticking on the boiler flue walls. The paper gives the primary design formulas for solid-fuel hot-water boilers incorporating the moving combustion grate.


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