Implementation of a Method for Identifying Semantic Conflicts of Metadata and Inconsistency of Merging Data Based on Their Semantic Description

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Implementation of a Method for Identifying Semantic Conflicts of Metadata and Inconsistency of Merging Data Based on Their Semantic Description

For citation: Kropotin A. A., Ivashko A. G. 2017. “Implementation of a Method for Identifying Semantic Conflicts of Metadata and Inconsistency of Merging Data Based on Their Semantic Description”. Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 115-127. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7978-2017-3-2-115-127

About the authors:

Alexander A. Kropotin, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Software and Systems Engineering, University of Tyumen;

Alexander G. Ivashko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Department of Program and System Engineering, University of Tyumen;


This paper proposes a set of programs that allows to construct conceptual schemes of the “entity — relationship” of relational databases and verify their consistency, to identify semantic conflicts. This set of programs can be applied at the stage of checking the consistency of schemes when integrating relational databases. Application of the program complex can significantly improve the efficiency of the process of integration of relational databases. The complex of programs is based on the application of knowledge base technologies to represent knowledge about the entities and domain relationships that are described in relational databases. The scientific significance of the work lies in the implementation of the original mathematical models and the ontological representation of conceptual schemes of “entity — relationship” in the form of a complex of programs that allows identifying semantic conflicts of metadata and inconsistencies of integrable relational databases and offers functions for transforming conceptual schemes of relational databases and a method for identifying their semantic conflicts and data inconsistencies.

In the introduction, the urgency of the problem and the formulation of tasks that were decided in the course of the work are presented. The main part of the work briefly describes the ontological model of conceptual objects, including its extension, in the form of a combining of ontologies of conceptual objects that are designed to solve the problem posed in the introduction. Also, in the main part of the work the algorithm of ontological representation of conceptual schemes is presented the essence of the connection and description of the architecture of the program complex, which is represented by models and algorithm. With the purpose of approbation of the complex of programs for checking the consistency of conceptual schemas of “entity — relationship”, the results of computational experiments on experimental data that represent various cases of the emergence of semantic conflicts of metadata are presented and it is also proved that it adequately determines the semantic conflicts of conceptual schemes of the “entity — relationship” of relational databases.


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