MO-CVD Reactor Draft Project for Turbine Thermal Barrier Coating

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2016, Vol. 2. №4

MO-CVD Reactor Draft Project for Turbine Thermal Barrier Coating

About the author:

Andrei N. Aksyonov, Cand. Sci. (Phys-Math.), Laboratory Chief, Tyumenskie motorostroiteli;


The article analyzes the research data on thermal barrier coating, obtained by the chemical vapor deposition method. The layers growth rate, reactor design, microstructures and ceramic coatings properties are observed. The paper focuses on research methods and the results obtained with the use of organometallic precursors. Thermal barrier coating of rotor blades by the chemical vapor deposition method may be a more effective solution than traditional approaches, associated with electron-beam or plasma processes. The microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of these coatings are comparable with the serial condensation layers. When using zirconium and yttrium β-diketonates (dipivaloylmethanates) as precursors, a perfect crystallites structure can be formed at speed of more than 20-50 mkm/h and is limited mainly by the sublimators design. A brief description of the experimental reactor for coating turbine blades is provided.


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