The Method of Determining the Coefficients of Porosity and Permeability of the Rock on the Basis of Capillary Pressure Curves

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2016, Vol. 2. №1

The Method of Determining the Coefficients of Porosity and Permeability of the Rock on the Basis of Capillary Pressure Curves

About the authors:

Ivan N. Zhizhimontov, Postgraduate Student, Tyumen State University; Specialist, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center;

Alexey V. Malshakov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Mineral.), Senior Expert, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center;


The purpose of the work is to create the scientific and methodological basis for the study of the influence of large-scale effects on the reservoir porosity and permeability of earth material. The algorithm of the stochastic reconstruction of the pore space topology is developed on the basis of capillary pressure curves. The two-dimensional fluid flow in the pore space was calculated to predict reservoir properties of the earth material. The calculation results are given for the neocomian deposits of Western Siberia. The results of numerical simulation are shown for the sample as a whole and depending on the size of the computational domain. The estimation of the influence of the correlation parameter, which is maximum connection range (the maximum distance at which two pores may be interconnected) on the coefficients of open (effective) and connected porosity, is determined in this paper. It is shown that setting the stochastic network model based on core research requires selection of a number of correlation and topological parameters.


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