Simulation of Wave Processes in Fracture-Porous Collectors

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Simulation of Wave Processes in Fracture-Porous Collectors

About the authors:

Sergei I. Grachev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Tyumen Industrial University;

Alexander V. Strekalov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Expert, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, Rosneft;


Such methods of wave action on productive formations as non-stationary water flood, intermittent drainage, and infrasound and hydro-pulse impact on the bottomhole formation zone have recently grown in importance. The effectiveness of wave processes is caused by a number of factors, namely the compressibility of skeleton, fracture opening, and, in general, an increased level of energy impact on filtration processes. Due to the fact that the presence of a fracture network in productive permeable reservoir causes significant structural heterogeneity, for the full simulation the use of mathematical apparatus of the theory of hydraulic circuits is required. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review fundamental issues in modeling hydraulic systems with a highly developed arbitrary structure, which include fracture networks in fractured porous reservoirs. The physical and simulation experiments allowed identifying “weirdness” in the behavior of some hydraulic systems, which is not, in contradiction to Maxwell’s generalization, in a stationary mode under the lack of external influence.


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