Computational method for flow parameters of gas-condensate mixture in gas-gathering system of random topology

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Computational method for flow parameters of gas-condensate mixture in gas-gathering system of random topology

About the authors:

Alexey V. Tatosov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Tyumen;

Vladimir E. Vershinin, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Processes and Systems Modeling, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, Scopus AuthorID,


The computation scheme of pressure and temperature for two-phase stationary flows in elements of surface gas-gathering system with random topological structure is introduced as applied to gas-condensate fields. The system of nonlinear algebraic equations and typical boundary conditions determining the flow parameters during production is formulated. The algorithm for the formation of the system of algebraic equations describing a flow in pipes taking into account the boundary conditions and system topology is presented. The structure of gas-gathering system is recommended to be calculated by means of the incidence matrix. The formation of the system of equations is built from a set of the auxiliary matrices considering the number of edges tied with nodes and the direction of a flow in them. The results of the formation of the closed equation system are given by the example of “fork” gas-gathering system with the elementary building block. The scheme of iterative procedure for the solution of nonlinear equations is written.


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