Dynamics of multiphase submerged jet in view of hydrate formation

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Dynamics of multiphase submerged jet in view of hydrate formation

About the authors:

Svetlana R. Kildibaeva,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Information Science and Programming, Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University

Ilyas K. Gimaltdinov, Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University, Professor, Dr. Phys. and Math. Sci.


The paper studies the jet flow of oil and gas mixture in water through the integrated Lagrangian representation of control volume with two limiting schemes of hydrate formation taken into account. In the former case, hydrate formation is limited by heat removal rate from the bubble surface; in the latter case, it is limited by diffusive gas transport through hydrated shell formed at the bubble surface. According to the model, we consider the jet as basic control volumes, each of which is characterized by height, radius, space coordinates and orientation relative to axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. Radius, height, temperature, control volume velocity, as well as volume content of components included into control volume are temporally calculated at each step. The basic equations are written based on the turbulent involving of ambient water in the jet. The paper examines kinematic and thermal and physical characteristics of the jet. It is shown that in the case of hydrate formation limited by bubble heat exchange with ambient liquid, the rate of fall in jet temperature becomes slower, which is caused by heat generated during hydrate formation.


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