2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)About the authors:
Alexey A. Olennikov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security, University of Tyumen; a.a.olennikov@utmn.ruAbstract:
The specific feature of metallurgical units of spray-type emulsion used for obtaining metal is flowing of complex high physico-chemical and dynamic processes within them. The impact of thermo-aggressive environment on a lining-up of units causes frequent costly repairs, as well as accident risks. Any attempts to maintain the lining-up lead to inefficient and sometimes undesirable results. The most acceptable alternative in this situation is to force the formation of the protective layer of skull with the necessary properties that should ensure its stability (resistance). The attempts to maintain the lining-up of units generated the idea of creating and using serpentine cooling sections as applied to the spray-emulsion process. In this paper we consider the formation process of the skull layer in circulating cooling of the column-type unit taking into account the thermal parameters and temperature conditions of the skull formation. The mathematical models with a detailed description of the processes in the units of spray-type emulsion, as well as problem-solving techniques using existing and developed software packages are presented.Keywords:
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