Computational method of discrete functions for phase diagrams of milticomponent hydrocarbon systems based on cubic equations of state

Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy


2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)

Computational method of discrete functions for phase diagrams of milticomponent hydrocarbon systems based on cubic equations of state

About the authors:

Irina G. Zakharova, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Software, School of Computer Science, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,

Igor E. Mashchitskiy, Postgraduate Student, University of Tyumen;


The computational method of discrete functions for “liquid-gas”-type phase diagrams of multicomponent hydrocarbon systems is introduced in the paper. The main calculation tool is the standard algorithm of separation modeling based on the cubic equation-of-state. The special geometric approach for the organization of target function calculation, which allows modern multi-processor computers to be efficiently used and highly detailed results to be received without needs in further math processing, is described. The specific algorithm for the implementation of this approach, as well as the results of its implementation to the construction of phase diagrams of hydrocarbon fluids extracted at the fields of Tyumen region are given. The efficiency of the offered method is evaluated by computing experiment in comparison with the method that realizes the concept of strict-sequence calculations. The paper is of interest for chemical engineering experts who are engaged in modeling and calculation of phase equilibria in the chemical technology.


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